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This method is used to introduce young people’s opinions or to initiate a discussion on youth-related issues, search for new project ideas, and facilitate young people in identifying community issues



Half a day, several sessions


Digital Camera, projector or any other picture presentation tool



Young people often find it difficult to speak out on issues of adult matters, for example, issues concerning town development.

This method can help young people to express their views and opinions in an appealing way. For instance, initiate a debate about the problems of the town.

  1. Ask the youth to capture the following:
    1. What I like in town (Positive)
    2. What I dislike/ hate in town (Negative)
  2. After the task is implemented, together analyse the pictures and select the ones that were identified as the most important.
  3. Meet with the community representatives and present the pictures to them and discuss.
  4. Hang the pictures on two separate walls to represent “a) What I like in town” and “b) What I dislike/ hate in town”


This method can be applied even without the discussion part. Just present youth opinion through photography as it was done in Lanchkhuti town municipality. Where pictures were displayed at the municipal lobby without prior notice. The town’s “positive” aspects (a) What I like in town – were displayed on one wall, while the “negative” aspects were displayed on the opposite walls of the lobby. Results were fascinating: the following year the Youth Photo Report method was used again and certain pictures from the “negative” wall were moved to the “positive” wall, because the administration staff of the municipality acknowledged these problems and solved them



What was easier to notice? Positive or negative aspects of town?

Did I discover something new about my town/ or the topic of our analysis?

What has surprised me during the task?

What would I change?

In which areas the changes are most important?

What is most important thing that requires changes / improves the community as a whole? For different community groups (senior citizens, young families, etc.).?



Discussion about the problems identified by young people;

Planning of activities tackling these problems and offering solutions.

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