To analyse and better understand the social group of young people: their concerns, problems, and expectations. To discuss the impact of society on the choices and wishes of young people.
45–60 minutes
Flipchart paper, coloured paper, scissors, magazines, glue, paper, adhesive tape, and drawing tools.
In small groups, draw a portrait of a young person on the flipchart. On the same sheet, using the collage technique, the groups are asked to display the following:
The outside of a young person presents:
The inside of a young person presents:
Within their own groups, participants should discuss and evaluate the “inside” and ”outside” of a young person.
Participants prepare posters and afterwards make presentations to other groups
What did you understand during your group discussion?
What is common for young people?
How does the contemporary young person differ from the young person of 20 years ago?
Why do you think young people have these particular needs and concerns?
Often using this method, participants portray a young person in a negative manner, seldom in a positive manner. The task of the workshop leader is to question the group’s work and to look at the portraits critically. The objective is to facilitate the participants and help them to identify the impact of the society on a young person’s choices and their daily life as a whole.